Wire vacuum taping machines

Only for high data rates 


Patented technology for high taping speeds 

Best performance in data rates

Vacuum is your friend. No inclusion of air bubbles between wires and tape that disturbs the signal to be transmitted 

Tape deposition control by camera

Easy to use thanks to autotunning mode, best performance and first class hardware.

High taping speed

Thanks to the vacuum it is possible to obtain high taping speed (up to 6000 rpm) without damaging the tape (e.g. PTFE).

New technology

All the machines are equipped with high speed and low friction ceramic bearings to obtain very low tape tension.

About the idea

I worked in the data communication cables sector for an Italian company specialized in wire taping. The first thing that a customer evaluated about quality of the process was the presence of air bubbles trapped by the tape. From there started the idea of revolutionizing the concept of taping, transforming it into vacuum taping.
Strobo light gun
Remote tele service connection
Laser gauge

Small TapeStar

Reels up to 220mm diameter.
Warehouse of reels: No
Controlled temperature: Optional
Tape tested : Mica, PTFE, Polyimide, PET
Min tape tension: 0.1N 
Max taping head speed: 6000rpm
Suitable for single and multi wire taping.

Standard TapeStar

Reels up to 220mm diameter.
Warehouse of reels: Yes
Controlled temperature: Optional
Tape tested : Mica, PTFE, Polyimide, PET
Min tape tension: 0.1N 
Max taping head speed: 6000rpm
Suitable for single and multi wire taping.

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